

My husband brought me home a bag of fresh mint the other night...it might as well have been a bouquet of flowers! I opened the bag and breathed in: crisp, cool and fresh. I love mint and even more when it is dipped in dark chocolate.

This is the best little dessert...unique and refreshing...a perfect end to your meal or a quick bite-sized snack.

The Original Thin Mint- Clean Eating
25 mint leaves
1.5 ounces dark chocolate
2 tablespoons coconut oil

Gently clean the mint leaves and pat dry. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set the mint leaves out on the parchment paper and freeze for about 20 minutes.

Melt the chocolate and the coconut oil in a double boiler. If you don't have one just fill a pan with about 1 inch of water and bring to a simmer, set a metal bowl or another pan over the pan simmering with water and melt the chocolate and oil in the bowl/pan making sure not to let water or steam touch the chocolate. Stirring constantly until the chocolate is melted. Turn off heat and dip the mint leaves. The chocolate should harden almost immediately. Set the chocolate dipped leaves back on the parchment paper and store in the freezer.
 Rufus-7 weeks


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