Finally summer is here and we are spending every second we can outside playing. With all this hot weather I am noticing my icy pop supply is depleting quickly. My daughter is constantly running around with an artifically colored mouth and asking for more frozen treats. I found a great healthy alternative to the sugar-loaded store-bought frozen treats over at hungryhousewife.com .
Watermelon Pops- Clean Eating
1 watermelon (overly ripe, seedless and sweet)
cookie cutter
popsicle sticks
Slice half the watermelon in 1/2 inch slices. Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Insert a Popsicle stick or a wooden skewer into the shapes. Freeze the shapes on a baking sheet for a few hours. Use the other 1/2 of the watermelon as a holder for the watermelon pops.
When watermelon is frozen the texture is like a Popsicle, it doesn't freeze all the way.

These are just too cool! A great thing for summer. We haven't had much hot weather but, I'll be ready with theses!
That's a very nice idea!!!!!
The summer seems to be here too, it's hot!! Finally!!
un modo del tutto originale di mangiare la mia adorata anguria!:)bravissima..hai un'invidiabile fantasia:)
These are just gorgeous!
This is such a cute idea and I love the presentation!
These are awesome!!! My kids would love them-me too! Watermelon is my favorite:)
These are darling and who can resist watermelon with the warming weather? Great idea.
How wonderful!
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